
GIA Very Good Vs Very Good Diamond Cuts

There is a big difference between a diamond that is GIA Excellent and one that is GIA Very Good. The GIA describes these stones as Very Good because of their crown angle and high depth percentage. Their low diameter is indicative of their small weight, and they have optical symmetry problems. Furthermore, their faceting precision is often less precise than ideal.
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If you’re considering purchasing a diamond with a GIA certificate, keep reading to learn how to recognize a Very Good cut.

GIA Excellent

There are two ways to grade a diamond. GIA and AGS both grade diamonds as excellent cut. The two most respected grading laboratories in the US have a fascinating history. Here are the differences between them. Which one should you trust? Read on to find out! GIA Excellent diamond cut grades are superior in all three categories. AGS Excellent diamond cuts are the best. AGS poor cuts are bad asses.

The GIA measures the overall appearance of a diamond and looks for symmetry and proportions. They consider the table size, crown angle, pavilion angle, culet size, and girdle thickness percentage. They also look at the shape of the pavilion and table. If the diamond is well-cut, the proportions will be perfect. The proportions of a diamond will give you a clearer view of its quality.

GIA Very Good

The differences between GIA Very Good cuts are often not apparent to the naked eye. In reality, they are more than just notes on paperwork diamond cut good vs very good quality determines how the diamond performs in the light. It also affects its brilliance and fire. For instance, a GIA Very Good diamond will have a lower cut grade than a top GIA Excellent. Another difference is the diamond’s pattern, such as the hearts and arrows patterning that is considered the ultimate in facet precision.

When comparing GIA Very Good and AGS Excellent diamonds, look for the terms Ideal and Excellent. AGS Ideal means “perfect” and “ideal” is a “bad ass.” AGS Ideal is higher than GIA Excellent, while GIA Very Good is above Ideal. Ideal-graded diamonds have excellent proportions and combined brilliance and fire. This grading system does not require diamonds to be flawless.

IGI Very Good

If you’re comparing two diamonds of equal size and value, it’s important to understand the differences between the two labs’ grading systems. While IGI and GIA grade diamonds using similar guidelines, they differ in the standards used to grade their grades. While GIA and AGS are both regarded as industry leaders, the IGI is notoriously lenient when it comes to its grading standards.

The AGS was the first independent grading organization to use a numerical scale, with 0 being the highest grade. This scale increases from one to ten as the diamond moves farther from ideal light performance. GIA and AGS reports grade a diamond based on crown and pavilion angle, table diameter, and culet size. It also evaluates symmetry. AGS diamonds are generally graded Very Good.

AGS Very Good

When it comes to cutting a diamond, there are some significant differences between GIA Very Good and AGS Very Good. The GIA uses a five grade hierarchy for cut, so for example, if you have a diamond with an Excellent overall cut grade, AGS Very Good is probably your best bet. If you’re looking for an AGS Very Good diamond, you can bet that it will be at least as good as the average diamond, which is a better value than the GIA Very Good cut grade.
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The differences between AGS Very Good and GIA Excellent grade depend on the angles of the stone’s crown and pavilion. AGS also considers the culet’s shape and size, which can influence the proportion needed for maximum sparkle. Therefore, it’s important to consider each diamond’s cut on an individual basis. The AGS has been a trusted name in cut grading since 1890 and has an unmatched record for precision measurements.

GIA Poor

The GIA cuts a diamond by taking several factors into account, including its proportions and overall appearance. The table size, crown angle, pavilion angle, length of star and lower half facet, and girdle thickness percentage are the most common characteristics that are considered when evaluating a diamond’s cut grade.
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If any of these features are present, the diamond will be considered “poorly cut” by the GIA.


GIA grades diamonds based on their appearance from the face-up view. Poor designs add unnecessary weight to the diamond and will reduce its brilliance. Additionally, a poor cut won’t provide much brightness. A diamond with a GIA Poor cut will lack brilliance or fire. A diamond with a Good cut grade is usually not recommended for a diamond engagement ring. In addition, a great majority of round diamonds fall into the poor cut category.

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