
A Brief But Noble History Of SEO or Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is a term you’ve likely heard if you are in the digital marketing industry. Otherwise known as search engine optimization, it is the process of optimising your business website to rank higher on a search engine’s (typically Google) search results page for relevant keywords.

SEO can be time-consuming and complicated, but this article aims to simplify the concept so that anyone can understand it. There’s a lot of good reasons that marketing agencies have predominant focuses on it as it can become convoluted with changes to algorithms, best practices, and even approaches to the concept in general.

Buckle your seatbelts, and let’s unpack the fundamentals.
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A Brief History Of SEO

SEO has been around since the days of dial-up internet, but the practice as we know it today was developed in 1997 by a team at Stanford. The term “search engine optimisation” was coined to describe how web developers could use specified tactics on their websites to rank higher in search results for specific keywords. In 1999, Google came along and revolutionised SEO with its ground-breaking algorithm that used text ads displayed prominently above organic search results – so now you can see why proper use of search engine optimisation is often thought of as a way to get free advertising.

Of course, like any good tool, it comes down to how it is being used, so it takes a trained mind to be able to detect and craft pages and sites to better serve the purposes of a campaign.

Changes Everywhere

In the world of search engine optimisation, there are a number of changes occurring almost every day. SEO is a constantly evolving process and optimisers need to keep up with the changes.
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Search engine optimisation also needs to be consistent, so if you have been doing it for years, don’t stop just because Google has tweaked its algorithm slightly – these alterations are par for the course in SEO regulation, so maintain your strategy rather than scrapping it all together.

In fact, when businesses cut back on their search marketing or SEO campaigns completely due to algorithmic fluctuations from major platforms such as Google, they often find that these companies neglect them further down the line when competitors have enhanced their profiles through clever use of tactics and strategies.

Understanding The Unchanging Concepts

Sure, the algorithms and best practices may be in an ever-present state of flux, however, there are always some unchanging denominations that are set in stone when it comes to SEO. From quality on page content to meta titles and meta descriptions, it should also be about creating digital content that is both relevant to the audience at hand as well as on brand.

An SEO title for example which does not accurately reflect what a piece of content is about ends up doing more harm than good in the long run since it reduces user experience and diminishes clickthrough rates. A poorly written article or online post may lead users onto believing they are going to receive one thing when instead their time has been wasted due to misleading information presented throughout its entirety.

The Future Of SEO

Now we get to the million click question, where is it all headed. While no one could have predicted in the pre-2000 world how important the digital realm would be, there’s still no telling where the minutia and small cogs of the machine will go in the next 10 years. Already we’re seeing companies that specialise in the practice branch out into more intricate and laser-focused approaches and becoming insurmountably relevant as a result.
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One thing is certain, search engine optimisation is not going anywhere anytime soon.

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